(NEW HAVEN, CT) – Today, Lt. Governor Bysiewicz was joined by New Haven officials and faculty from Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership, Inc. (LEAP) to highlight the impact of their summer camp program as one of the recipients of the Summer Enrichment Grant Program.
Launched last year in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the grant program was created to help connect students during the summer months to high-quality enrichment opportunities, including at summer camps, childcare centers, and other similar programs, with a priority for those in towns and communities that were most disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. It is funded using a portion of the state’s share of the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund.
“The grant program was created to help connect students during the summer months to high-quality enrichment opportunities, including at summer camps, childcare centers, and other similar programs,” said Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz. “These grants allow greater opportunities for more children to be a part of these summer programs, allowing them to have fun with their peers, and promote their social-emotional learning and growth, setting them up for success when they return to school. This LEAP summer camp embodies the type of programming we at the state wish to enhance.”
“Due to the leadership of Governor Lamont, Lt. Governor Bysiewicz, and our New Haven legislative delegation, we are able to serve so many children,” said Henry Fernandez, Executive Director of LEAP. “Both Lt. Governor Bysiewicz and Governor Lamont have been here consistently over the years and have been amazing at making sure that LEAP could sustain in New Haven and really grow over the last couple of years, especially when we needed the extra boost due to COVID.”
LEAP's summer program includes literacy, athletics, arts, computer science, cooking, and gardening. Children also go on field trips around New Haven, as well as camping trips. All programs are free for participants and are overseen by an experienced Site Coordinator with trained counselor pairs drawn from local colleges and high schools.
“This summer is so critical for us, working with our kids and trying to get them back on that path that they once knew. COVID came and threw them off, and now it is up to us to make sure we put them back in the right direction,” said State Representative Toni Walker. “LEAP is one of those examples that we feel is a great investment for the state of Connecticut. This summer program is serving over 700 children in the New Haven area, providing them with academic stimulation and social and emotional development. I want to thank the Lt. Governor for showing this incredible program.”
Similar to 2021, a competitive grant application was launched to award enrichment grants to eligible organizations, providing students and families with engaging summer enrichment and learning experiences. Applicants were able to apply for either one expansion grant (up to $75,000) or one innovation grant (between $75,000 and $250,000) per program site. Camps can use the funds to expand the number of students served, add additional supper services and activities, and subsidize enrollment costs by providing scholarships to families from low-income backgrounds.
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Contact: Chelsea Neelon