drive to save lives - highway safety office

Safety starts with compassion

How many times have you done something dangerous behind the wheel even though you know better? How many times have you broken the law while driving? How many times have you lost your temper and cursed out another driver?

Good people do bad things behind the wheel all the time – things we would never do in other parts of life. And that can be tragic. Because driving is one of the most potentially deadly things we can do. Think about it. We are often at our worst when we’re at our most dangerous.

The proof is in the statistics. In Connecticut and across the country, crashes are up. Deaths are up. Incidents of speeding, DUI, distracted driving, wrong way driving and pedestrian fatalities are all up.

More enforcement and stiff penalties will not fix this. It is up to us. One of the biggest culprits in dangerous driving is a lack of concern for other drivers. We have to decide, as a community, that enough is enough. We need to be more compassionate behind the wheel. We have to have the well-being of others constantly on our mind. We have to drive to protect other people, not just ourselves. We have to drive to save lives.

about highway safety office - 2 women wearing seatbelts

About us

The Connecticut DOT’s Highway Safety Office (HSO) has one mission – to keep our roadways safe.

About Us

traffic safety program photo - highway safety office

Traffic safety programs

HSO programs center on the most significant challenges to highway safety, like speeding, impaired driving, distracting driving and many more.

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black car crashed on the road - crash course - highway safety office

Crash course

How many people in CT wear their seatbelts? What is the role of alcohol in wrong way driving crashes? What’s the fine for speeding? Get all the stats and facts here.

Information Coming Soon!

distracted driving crackdown news


CT DOT and local police departments launch Put the Phone Away or Pay campaign.

Fairfield police promote the Dept. of Transportation’s Put the Phone Away or Pay campaign for National Distracted Driving Awareness month.

Read Story

If you’re wrong, you’re dead.

One of our latest TV PSAs, addressing the recent rise in wrong way driving deaths.