Open Case: James Garris

Open Investigation - James Garris
James Garris

Case #:  L99-171553 Soc.Sec.#:  NA Name:  James Garris Alias:  None
Address: 19 Constitution Way Apt. 218  Litchfield, CT Height:  5 ft. 9 in. Weight:  165 Age:  80
Sex:  M Eyes:  Green Hzl. Hair:  Bald, Bumpy Head Complexion:  Med. White
Race:  White DOB:  2/24/1919

James Garris was last seen on July 7, 1999 at 6:00 a.m. at the Sarah Pierce Assisted Living Community where he resides.  He was wearing tan pants with a white polo short sleeve shirt and brown shoes.

James Garris is bald and has distinct large bumps on his head, he also has an infection on his right leg on the shin.

James Garris suffers from dementia and maybe confused.

Connecticut State Police "Troop L"
800-953-9949 or 860-626-7975