DAS Employee Spotlight Steven Westerberg

Steven Westerberg


Name:  Steven J. Westerberg
Title:  Associate Project Manager
DAS Construction Services

In recognition of International Project Management Day, which is celebrated annually on the first Thursday of November, DAS and is all about appreciating the important role project managers play in our organization.


1. What do you do?

I collaborate with supported Agencies to facilitate the completion of their vertical construction projects.  Collaboration starts with confirming the supported Agency’s vision for their finished project, and the extent of design and construction necessary.  I work with the extended DAS team to procure necessary design and construction teams and guide them through all stages of the design and construction processes.  I then ensure the project is properly turned over to the supported Agency including equipment training and record documentation.

2. Why do you work for the State of Connecticut?

I have had the opportunity to work in several capacities before working for the State of Connecticut: Owner, Designer, Contractor.  I have found collaborative problem solving, giving all team members a voice at the table, helps projects progress and successfully close out.  Working for the State of Connecticut as the project Owner gives me the opportunity to ensure all team members can and do contribute.  The processes the State of Connecticut has in place, combined with the expertise of our project teams, make a good recipe for project success.  I enjoy being a part of those successes.

3. What is your favorite part of your job?

Collaborative problem-solving through education.  All projects will have issues.  Solving them is fun.  Teaching others what I know, and learning from others’ experiences, gets us through current issues and makes us smarter for the next project.

4. What skills does it take to be a good Project Manager?

Active listening, critical thinking, effective communication, objective evaluation, ability both to teach and to learn.

5. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled?

I’ve had the opportunity to see foundations, mechanical spaces and underground tunnels at the Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middletown, CT.  The oldest parts of that facility date back to the 1800s.  Seeing today’s projects intermingle with 100+ year-old technology and construction is a fun experience.

6. What would you tell someone who is interested in working for the state?

Go for it.  Great people, great hours, great benefits.

7. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why?

The ability to not need sleep. All of that extra time would be fantastic…house projects, hobbies, walking the dog…

8. Where is your favorite place in Connecticut?

Outer Island.  It’s the outermost of the Thimble Islands.  I had the opportunity to spend time there many years ago over several trips and years.  It is a wonderful resource, now operating under a partnership with SCSU continuing its educational benefits.  There is a small stone wall with a circle “window” facing the ocean that is about the most peaceful place on earth.

9. Who inspires you and why?

Dr. Pamela Perry, and Duane Orloske, two mentors from college.  They teach that we are all connected, no one gets there by going it alone, and only you decide how far you go.

10. Tell us your favorite fun fact.

Math facts in general.  My son memorized the 1st 100 digits of pi, a personal goal he set for himself for the 6th grade math bee.  My family looks for palindromes on the calendar (12-1-21, 3-2-23, etc.).  Weird Al Yankovic wrote a whole song about them with lines like “Was it a car or a cat I saw”?