Jeff Mohrenweiser, Fitch Ratings

Jeff Mohrenweiser

Jeff Mohrenweiser is a senior director in Fitch Ratings’ North American insurance rating group. He leads the insurance-linked securities team and has rated over 50 transactions (with total issuance exceeding $30 billion) ranging from catastrophe bonds to reserve financing transactions and value-in-force deals. Jeff also performs actuarial, product and modeling analysis and successfully led Fitch’s development and deployment of “Prism”, a global, stochastic capital model of insurance companies. He participates in rating committees, develops criteria, and writes industry research.

During his career, Jeff has been an entrepreneur, consultant, and senior manager in the insurance industry with considerable experience in profit center leadership and risk analysis. Prior to joining Fitch, he consulted with government regulators, large insurance companies, and other financial bodies regarding demutualization analyses, business processes, and credit risk modeling. Jeff also had profit responsibility for institutional products exceeding $10 billion of assets under management focusing on client relationships, product development, and asset/liability management.

Jeff is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA), a Charterholder of the CFA Institute (CFA), a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA), and a Fellow of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (FRM). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan. Jeff has been involved in several NAIC-related task forces and actuarial committees and is a speaker at various industry seminars and conferences.