Senior Nutrition Program

Older people eating a meal

Connecticut, let’s do lunch!

The Senior Nutrition Program (SNP), commonly known as Meals on Wheels, provides healthy meals to individuals age 60 and older, their spouses, and certain younger individuals with a disability.

Our meals are designed to reduce hunger in older adults and improve their access to nutritious food.  Join us for lunch in your community at spots like senior centers, schools, and faith-based locations. It’s a great way to connect with neighbors and friends and stay active and involved!

We also can deliver meals right to your door. Eating a balanced diet can keep you healthy so you can continue to live independently at home.

We appreciate all program donations! Voluntary donations help us expand our reach and serve more people.

Contact your local Area Agency on Aging to apply  
Older man gets food delivered

Delivering more than just a meal

Local programs generally provide:

  • One meal per day, 5 days per week served in your local area or delivered to your door
  • Each meal contains 1/3 of the daily recommended guidelines for nutrition and meets other specific dietary needs (e.g. low sugar or low sodium)
  • When possible, culturally appropriate meals (e.g. Kosher) are also offered
  • Social activities, health information, and volunteer opportunities too!
Senior woman smiles at nurse

Eligibility for meals

Although there is no income or asset limit to participate, the Senior Nutrition Program is not designed to serve every eligible person. When the demand for meals exceeds available funding, priority is given to people with the greatest social and economic need, meal services may be reduced, and you may have to join a waitlist.

To determine eligibility, each participant is screened by a program staff member. During this assessment, you will be asked questions to assess your nutritional health and activity level and to see if you are in a priority group. 

Reach out to your local AAA to apply  
Milk, apple, and carrot

Senior Nutrition Services: Review of Funding Allocations

Explore our October 2023 program report to the Aging, Appropriations, and Human Services committees on:

  • Data we’ve collected assessing nutrition risk
  • Meals on Wheels provider data. This includes: reimbursement rates compared to the cost to provide meals, administrative expenses, and how many providers that have reduced or stopped deliveries due to inadequate reimbursement from the state
  • Recommendations on how funds should be allocated

Browse all meeting minutes and agendas for the Senior Nutrition Program Stakeholder Group.