Welcome to the Office of Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz

Front View of the State Capitol Building with the Lieutenant Governor giving a Press Conference.

Committed to the people of Connecticut

Connecticut has been on the leading edge of change for years. Leaders like Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz make it possible by upholding State values. She fosters innovation and inclusivity in her commitment to economic growth and equality. She also preserves a culture where all people and ideas are welcome to thrive.

The Office of Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz is here to support you. You'll find information about the latest news, state initiatives, and events below. You'll gain access to policies, records, and legal notices. You can also find resources for requesting citations and contacting the governor.

More about Lt. Governor Bysiewicz  
Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz with a veteran at the Woodbridge Vietnam Veterans Ceremony

Public service recognition

If you’re hosting a State or local event that deserves recognition, request an honorary citation. The Lt. Governor accepts requests on a case-by-case basis.

Lt. Governor Bysiewicz giving a speech at the Woodbridge Vietnam Veterans Ceremony

Press room

The press room is the source for press releases, news, announcements, and more. Get informed about Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz and the State government.

Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz signing a bill with a group of constituents.

Policies and government records

Our office is committed to providing equal opportunities. Review our policies or gain access to records and legal notices.

Ways to contact the Lt. Governor

A young adult looking up information on a mobile phone.

We want to hear from you!

The Office of Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz values interaction with you. Your input informs our decisions to better serve you.

  • Email Lt. Gov. Bysiewicz 
    Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz wants to hear your opinions, concerns, and suggestions. No matter the subject, we want to hear from you.
  • Invite Lt. Governor Bysiewicz 
    Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz attends special events to foster unity and support. Request her participation.
  • Sign up for news updates 
    Stay up to date with Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz. Sign up for the latest news about initiatives, events, policy changes, and more.
  • Intern with Lt. Governor Bysiewicz 
    Learn about different aspects of State government. Our assignments grant real-world exposure to how the government works.
A high level view of the Lieutenant Governor's Office Personnel and Staff.

Investing in Connecticut’s future

Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz has partnered with Governor Ned Lamont to form working groups. The purpose of the groups is to help the State reach its goals of economic growth, equality, and more. Current working groups include:

  • The Governor's Council on Women and Girls
  • The Connecticut Complete Count Committee
  • Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap

Discover more about these groups and how they are moving Connecticut forward.

Explore working groups  
Close-up of Lt Governor Susan Bysiewicz

About Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz

Susan Bysiewicz is the 109th Lt. Governor of the State of Connecticut. She was sworn in on January 4, 2023, beginning her second term. As Lt. Governor, her responsibilities include leadership throughout many aspects of the government.

She's also president of the Connecticut State Senate. Economic growth and investing in the State's future are a top priority for her and Governor Ned Lamont.

Discover more about Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz