About Project COVID DeteCT

The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), along with the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), is offering FREE weekly COVID-19 screening testing to ALL PK -12 public and private schools through the Project COVID DeteCT testing program. Weekly screening testing using individual PCR tests will be conducted by a state-approved lab assigned to the district. The Project COVID DeteCT program is funded through federal ELC resources.

Parents and guardians must complete the Project COVID DeteCT Parent Consent Form for their child to participate in the voluntary program. Interested teachers and staff will need to complete a consent form to participate as well. Once signed, the consent form will cover testing throughout the year.

School and Student Eligibility

Please note that individual schools must choose to participate in Project COVID DeteCT in order for students at that school to be part of the program. 

As of March 1, 2022, all staff and teachers at participating schools are eligible to enroll in Project COVID DeteCT. If you have questions, contact the Project COVID DeteCT team at SchoolCovidTesting@ct.gov


Keeping Students Safe, Schools Open, & Stopping the Spread!

  • Screening will be FREE for students, teachers, and staff participating in the screening program
  • Screening can help keep schools open by preventing the spread of COVID-19
  • Screening helps us stop the spread of COVID-19, protecting kids and high-risk family members from getting seriously sick from the virus
  • Tests used in schools are painless lower nasal swabs, not “brain ticklers”
  • Screening testing is free and insurance will not be accessed
children running

Top questions about Project COVID DeteCT

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Is testing free?

Testing is completely free for students, teachers, and staff. No insurance information will be collected from students or staff.
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How often are students / staff tested?

Each participating child or staff member will be tested every week of school.
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How long will it take to receive test results?

Results should be available within 24-48 hours from when the sample was collected.
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