“Nobody should ever have to fear being the victim of the crime for being the person they are, and it is unconscionable that people continue to be targeted throughout our country because of the color of their skin, the religion they practice, the person they love, their country of birth, or any other personal attributes that identify who they are...”
- Governor Ned Lamont
Connecticut Hate Crimes Advisory Council
Connecticut Hate Crimes Advisory Council
Get Help Now: Contact the Hate Crimes Investigative Unit of the Connecticut State Police at hate.crimes@ct.gov
Report a hate crime or bias incident to the Hate Crimes Advisory Council by clicking here: Reporthate.ct.gov.
Information reported will be collected and analyzed by the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at UConn.
Call your local police or 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip at http://tips.fbi.gov.
You can submit a tip anonymously

The Council
Co-Chaired by Judge Douglas S. Lavine and Attorney Amy Lin Meyerson, the council is housed within the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
The Council

View a calendar of upcoming council meetings and agendas and minutes for past council meetings.