Doing Business with CTOWS

Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Available Projects

RFP # 24ECD2304
Transportation Pilot Research and Feasibility Study

Issued by the Office of Workforce Strategy

Description: The State of Connecticut’s Office of Workforce Study (“OWS”) is seeking a proposer to (1) develop a comprehensive landscape analysis of the current transportation access services across the State of Connecticut that shows where transportation capacities and gaps exist; (2) assess current transportation demand needs in different areas of the state; (3) enable OWS and its partners, including the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) and the Department of Labor (“DOL”), to accurately assess the feasibility of piloting innovative transportation solutions, with an emphasis on car-based options; and (4) provide OWS with a financial analysis of pilot transportation options, including potential financing sources and a risk analysis that enables OWS, in collaboration with DOT and DOL, to develop a grant program for implementation in 2024.

RFP Timeline: The following timeline, up to an including the deadline for submitting proposals, shall be changed only by an amendment to this RFP. Dates after the submittal deadline are target dates only:

May 17, 2024

RFP Released

May 22, 2024 5:00PM Deadline for Questions
May 24, 2024 Written Answers to Questions Released
June 3, 2024 5:00 PM Proposals Due/Submittal Deadline
June 12, 2024 Contractor Selection
June 14, 2024 Start of Contract Negotiations
Attorney General Execution Date Start of Contract

All communications regarding this RFP must be directed only to the Official Agency Contact as noted below:

Grace Suh

Office of Workforce Strategy

450 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

The subject RFP and any related documents can be found on the CTsource Bid Board as of the release date and time stated above. Click this link to go directly to the CTsource Bid Board where you can search for this solicitation by entering the RFP number or RFP name into the search box.

If you need assistance with searching for solicitations, please refer to the CTsource Bid Board Users Guide.

Proposals must be directly sent by e-mail to the Official Contact’s e-mail address as provided above. Do NOT submit proposals through the DAS CTsource Contracting Portal. Proposals submitted through the CTSource Contracting Portal will not be accepted.