Census 2020 Resources
Take advantage of these powerful tools to ensure a complete and accurate count in 2020.
Census 2020 Free Resouces
The U.S. Census Bureau offers free materials to help citizens and partners complete the count. Scroll down for the latest tools specifically designed for your community.

Census 2020 - Partner Tools
These are some of the most powerful resources available for a complete Census count.

Non-English Resources
Get free Census 2020 info packs to help non-English speaking citizens get counted.

Census 2020 PSA Toolkit
Educate the public with these free media assets you can use today.

Tribal Resources
Important Census support materials for tribal nations.

Tribal Government Tools
Vital Census 2020 resources to help tribal governments support AIAN communities.

Counting Young Children
Fact sheets to help avoid the traditional undercount of young children.

Pre-K Resources
Educate children with fun Census activities that can help them be community-minded.

K-12 Resources
Ignite awareness about the Census with these engaging and grade-appropriate activities.

School Statistics
Help your students understand the importance of statistics and explore Census Bureau data.

Saluting Census Partners
Join the hundreds of thousands of dedicated partners who are actively supporting the count.

Faith Communities
Inspire your organization to support a complete and accurate count with this playbook.

Governmental Resources
Government leaders have powerful tools to help their constituents get counted.