October 18, 2007

Contact: 860 524-7313

(Governor M. Jodi Rell has written the following letter to all school superintendents in the state of Connecticut.  Also see attached fact sheet.)

Dear Superintendent:

Recent cases of infection of public school students by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have been reported in Connecticut and are being monitored closely by the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH).  My office is working with both the Department of Education and DPH to track cases of infection and to provide information about MRSA to school districts and the public.

The cases of MRSA have raised understandable concerns among school officials, students, teachers and parents. To date, a small number of Connecticut school districts have reported cases, which have been widely covered in the media. As a result, your parents and teachers may have expressed concerns about student safety in your district and in schools statewide.

It is important to note that MRSA is preventable and treatable, and that we can all take steps to reduce exposure to our students and staff.

We have attached a memorandum from the Connecticut Department of Public Health that provides practical advice to teachers, parents, school nurses about preventing and treating such infections.

School districts should consult with local health departments and their school medical advisors about steps to control and prevent MRSA, regardless of whether an infection has been reported within a school. Should a MRSA infection be identified in a school setting, division officials should immediately contact local health district directors for further guidance.

We will be keeping a close watch on this situation to see whether there are additional steps that we can take to help school districts deal with some of these health challenges.

If you have any further questions, please contact State Department of Public Health (860-509-7994).


M. Jodi Rell


MRSA Facts for Schools