Diabetes Advisory Council
Public Act 16-66, An Act Concerning Various Revisions to the Public Health Statutes, Section 51 establishes, within available appropriations, a Diabetes Advisory Council within the Connecticut Department of Public Health. The council must (1) analyze the current state of diabetes prevention, control, and treatment in Connecticut and (2) advise the Connecticut Department of Public Health on methods to achieve the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's goal in granting funds to the state for diabetes prevention. It consists of state officials and appointees.
For more information on the Connecticut Diabetes Advisory Council, including meeting minutes, agendas, and presentation, visit the Diabetes Advisory Council Web Site.
Diabetes Prevention and Control State Plan
The creation of a Diabetes Prevention and Control State Plan involved the input from seventy-three partners from various sectors of the diabetes care system.  The goal was to develop a coordinated approach to diabetes in Connecticut.  The organizations represented came from community based organizations, schools, professional organizations, health care, diabetes education, managed care, community health centers and others.
Five workgroups including diabetes prevention, disease management, education/awareness, access/policy and surveillance were formed.  The groups, under the direction of the executive committee, were able to reach consensus on problems facing the diabetes care system and strategies to address these problems.  One issue identified in the planning process is a lack of funding for diabetes prevention and care.  Therefore, new funding sources are being pursued to support the implementation phase. 
State Diabetes Plan Updates:   2008         2009         2010         2011         2012
Links to National Agencies and Organizations

Connecticut Department of Public Health Chronic Disease Programs 
Department of Public Health Contact Information
Connecticut Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (DPCP)
410 Capitol Ave, MS 11-CHLS
Hartford, CT 06134
P: (860) 509-7737
F: (860) 509-7855