Special Populations on the State Summative Assessments


Special Populations Information 
  • Assessment Guidelines Current Edition - (2023-24 Edition Coming Soon)
  • Designated Supports/Accommodations Form (Annotated Version) - This resource includes three optional forms that can be used by educator teams to determine accessibility supports and accommodations for students when taking the Smarter Balanced and Next Generation Science Standards Assessments. 
  • Accessibility Chart - The Accessibility Chart identifies a range of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations available students when accessing the Smarter Balanced and the NGSS Science Assessments.
  • Connecticut Smarter Balanced and NGSS Assessment Reader Options Table - This resource defines the purpose, test requirements, and necessary documentation (if applicable) for various embedded and non-embedded Smarter Balanced and NGSS reader supports and accommodations.
  • Decision Guidelines for Text-to-Speech of the ELA Reading Passages - The questions provided in this document can assist IEP/Section 504 decision-making teams in determining whether it is appropriate to indicate that the student should be provided the reading passages for an ELA reading assessment via a text-to-speech accommodation.
  • Documented Evidence for a Read Aloud of the Smarter Balanced ELA Reading PassagesUse this screener to determine if your student is eligible to use the special documented Read Aloud of the ELA Reading Passages accommodation. The questions provided in this document can assist IEP/Section 504 decision-making teams in determining whether it is appropriate to indicate that the student should be provided the reading passages for an ELA reading assessment via a read aloud provided by a trained and qualified human reader in an individual test setting. 
  • Assistive Technology Manual (Coming Soon) 
  • Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Training – Overview for District Administrators - The Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Training Overview for District Administrators provides an overview of the responsibilities of the District Administrator (DA) in the Test Information Distribution (TIDE), for the mandatory online course completed each school year to provide qualified educators with essential alternate assessment materials and the permissions to administer these assessments. DAs must follow these procedures to ensure the alternate assessments are administered by teachers qualified for this responsibility.
  • Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Training – Overview for Teachers Administering the Alternate - The Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Training Required for Teachers Administering the Alternate Overview describes the responsibilities of the TEA and the procedures to ensure the alternate assessments are administered by teachers qualified for this responsibility. The Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Training – Required for Teachers Administering the Alternate is a mandatory online course completed each school year to provide qualified educators with essential alternate assessment materials and the permissions to administer these assessments. Educators passing the embedded quiz for the training with a score of 80% or better will be assigned the Trained TEA certification and be provided all associated privileges for administering the alternate assessment.
  • Alternate Assessment Eligibility Form - This resource provide clarifying information for each section of the Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form.  
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About the Connecticut Alternate Assessment SystemThis FAQ document is intended to provide local education agencies (LEAs), parents, advocacy organizations, and other interested parties with information regarding the requirements for serving Connecticut’s children with significant cognitive disabilities participating in alternate assessments. This document represents the current understanding of the CSDE on this topic. This guidance does not impose any additional requirements beyond those required under applicable law and regulations.
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the Connecticut Alternate Assessment Eligibility Form This FAQ document is intended to provide local education agencies (LEAs), parents, advocacy organizations and other interested parties with information regarding eligibility criteria for the participation in the Connecticut Alternate Assessment System.
Test Administration Resources
English Learner/Multilingual Learner Resources
  • Translation (Glossary) – Embedded Designated Support Students who are identified as an English Learner/Multilingual Learner (EL/ML) may benefit from using a Translation Glossary for the Smarter Balanced mathematics tests. These students should have the appropriate language Translation Glossary embedded designated support selected in TIDE prior to testing. This Designated Support is intended as a language support for students who have limited English language skills whether or not they are identified in PSIS as EL/MLs or EL/MLs with disabilities. The use of this support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.
  • Embedded and Non-Embedded Designated Supports for English Learners - Students who are EL/ML may benefit from using designated supports when participating on the Connecticut state-wide assessments. These designated supports are intended as a language support for students who have limited English language skills, whether or not they are identified in PSIS as EL/ML or EL/ML with a disability. The use of these supports may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.
  • Smarter Balanced Mathematics and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessments: Guidelines for Spanish Read Aloud of Stimuli and Items - This resource was developed for those Spanish-speaking students who benefit from having the test read aloud directly by a trained and qualified teacher in Spanish, available only on the Smarter Balanced Mathematics and NGSS Assessments. Teachers providing this designated support should review and follow the steps outlined in the Guidelines for Spanish Read Aloud, Test Reader.
  • English Learner/Multilingual Learner Assessment Resources Web Page

Other Resources 

CSDE Bureau of Special Education Resources 
  • The Connecticut Assistive Technology (AT) Guidelines provides both school districts and Birth to Three service providers guidance to ensure that all children identified for AT services have access to AT though a framework for making decisions about AT needs of these children and students with disabilities.