Inaugural Sustainability & Resiliency Week

Read time: 6 minutes

Welcome to the Inaugural Sustainability & Resiliency Week! 

As our world faces increasingly complex environmental and social challenges, the importance of sustainability and resiliency has never been clearer. That’s why we’re excited to convene our very first Sustainability & Resiliency Week, an initiative designed to bring together State agencies, external partners, and individuals to celebrate the work being done across Connecticut. 

What Are Sustainability and Resiliency?

Sustainability and resiliency are key concepts in our efforts to address global challenges. 

  • Sustainability refers to practices and policies that “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (United Nations Brundtland Commission). It encompasses environmental stewardship, economic stability, and social equity, striving to create a balance that supports long-term well-being for all. 
  • Resiliency is about the ability to withstand and recover from adverse conditions, whether they are environmental, economic, or social. A resilient system, community, or organization can adapt to disruptions and emerge stronger, ensuring stability and continuity in the face of challenges (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions). 

Why a Week Dedicated to Sustainability & Resiliency? 

Addressing sustainability and resiliency requires a multifaceted approach and collaboration across various sectors and disciplines. By dedicating an entire week to these themes, we aim to: 

1. Highlight the Complexity: These interconnected challenges involve multiple stakeholders across industry, government, and academia. A dedicated week allows us to recognize the work that’s already being done around CT and highlight opportunities for cross-sectoral engagement.  

2. Foster Collaboration: Effective solutions often emerge from partnerships and cooperative efforts. This week provides a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and strategies among State agencies and partners, reinforcing our need for “Connection + Collaboration”. 

3. Celebrate Progress and Innovation: While we face significant challenges, there is also much to celebrate! This week is an opportunity to recognize achievements, showcase innovative solutions, and inspire continued action towards sustainability and resiliency. 

4. Promote Awareness and Engagement: With a focused week, we can raise awareness, educate the public, and encourage active participation in sustainability and resiliency initiatives. 

How to Find and Participate in Events 

We're holding a variety of workshops, panel discussions, academic lectures, and more. To ensure you don’t miss out, here’s how you can stay informed and get involved: 

  • Visit Our Events Page: Keep an eye on our dedicated events page for the latest updates and schedules. We’ll provide detailed information on all the activities taking place throughout the week. 
  • Sign Up for Updates: Subscribe to our newsletter for featured events and special announcements related to the week. 

Let’s celebrate our collective efforts and continue working towards a more sustainable and resilient future for all of Connecticut’s residents. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to engage in a week full of inspiration, collaboration, and action!