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Grade 2: Sit-In – How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down by Andrea Davis Pinkney
Grades 9-12: Primary Source Exemplar - Nutrition and Human Rights
Instruction - Mastery-Based Learning
There are many similarities between traditional classroom instruction and instruction in a mastery-based learning classroom. In both, there will be a need for direct instruction at times. Both approaches depend on defining the desired results. However, there are also differences.
Special Education Resources for Educators
Best practice resources
Adult Education Program Profiles
View Program Profile data for each Adult Education Program.
Grade 5: Research Pack – How Human Activity Impacts the Environment
Afterschool Snack Program (ASP)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's ASP operates under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). It provides cash reimbursement to help schools serve nutritious snacks to children in afterschool activities aimed at promoting the health and well-being of children and youth in Connecticut’s communities.
Grades 9-12: Algebra 2 - Defining Regions Using Inequalities
Issues in Grading - Mastery-Based Learning
Issues in grading and their implications.