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Grade 4: Paired excerpts from “Yang the Eldest and His Odd Jobs” and “Out of the Dust”
Grading - Mastery-Based Learning
One of the primary goals of a mastery-based grading system is to produce grades that more accurately reflect a student’s learning progress and achievement, including situations in which students struggled early on in a semester or school year, but then put in the effort and hard work needed to meet expected standards.
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's CEP provides an alternative approach for offering school meals in local educational agencies and schools in low-income areas, instead of collecting individual household applications for free and reduced-price meals in school nutrition programs.
The Connecticut State Department of Education uses the Public School Information System (PSIS) to collect data regarding student enrollment throughout the state of Connecticut.
Special Education Legal and Due Process Resources
Resources including complaint resolution, procedural safeguards, parent information and Connecticut special education regulations
Approved Courses for Special Education
Connecticut State regulations require the completion of a course in special education for all applicants seeking certification. The regulations mandate this course be comprised of not fewer than 36 clock hours, which shall include study in understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children and children who may require special education, and methods of identifying, planning for and working effectively with special-needs children in the regular classroom.
Special Education Publications
Special education eligibility documents, topic briefs, parent/family resources, and best practices.
Educator Preparation Statutory Requirements
Teacher Preparation Statutory Requirements Updated July 12, 2017
Grade 2 Lets Read It Again Comprehension Strategies for English-Language Learners
GED Testing with Accommodations
GED Testing Service is committed to ensuring access to the GED® test for all individuals with disabilities and supports the intention of the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (ADAAA).