Interactive Data Portal
Data, statistics, and reports about schools, districts, and the state
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Special Education Fiscal, RFPs and Grants
Includes resources for the IDEA Part B grant and other grants, SPDG, and other cost-related information.
Grade 6: Counting down from 11 - Analysis of Point of View in “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros
Most of the following Connecticut schools and districts are members of the League of Innovative Schools (LIS) and are engaged in Mastery-Based Learning. LIS is a regional professional learning community for secondary schools committed to educational equity, student-centered learning and ongoing improvement.
Grade 7: The Omnivore’s Dilemma – The Secrets Behind What You Eat by Michael Pollan
Connecticut State Department of Education
Organizations that support Mastery-Based Learning.
Special Education Guidance Documents and Topic Briefs
Bureau of Special Education guidance on varied special education-related topics including related service areas and ancillary staff.
Information and resources on obtaining acccessible instructional materials.