Open Choice Programs


The Open Choice program allows urban students to attend public schools in nearby suburban towns.  It allows suburban and rural students to attend public schools in a nearby urban center.  Enrollments are offered by school districts on a space-available basis in grades K-12.  Lotteries are used to place students when there are more applications than spaces available.  The program includes Hartford, Bridgeport and New Haven and their surrounding districts.

Bridgeport Area Open Choice

Cooperative Educational Services (CES) 

23 Oakview Dr. 
Trumbull, CT 06611 

Eric Nyquist

Hartford Area Open Choice

Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)

Phone number: 860-509-3635

111 Charter Oak Avenue 
Hartford, CT 06106  

Callie Bostic-Gardner

New Haven Area Open Choice

Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES)

350 State St. 
North Haven, CT 06473 

Lynn Bailey