Guidelines for Responding to the Receipt of Envelopes or Packages Suspected of Containing Anthrax or other Biological Agents


Anthrax organisms can cause skin infection, gastrointestinal infection or pulmonary infection. To do so the organism must be rubbed into abraded skin, swallowed, or inhaled as a fine, aerosolized mist. All forms of disease are generally treatable with antibiotics.

For anthrax to be effective as a covert agent it must be aerosolized. This is difficult to do, and requires a great deal of technical skill and special equipment. If these small particles are inhaled, life-threatening lung infection can occur, but prompt recognition and treatment are effective.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site is an excellent source of information.

Suspicious Unopened letter or letter that appears empty (i.e. no threat message or visible powder)

  • Do not open.
  • Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package.
  • Double bag the letter or package and throw away. You may call the police if you have specific concerns.
  • Wash hands with SOAP and WATER.
  • For facilities or place of business
  • Do not open.
  • Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package.
  • Place envelope in a plastic bag or some other container to prevent leakage of contents.
  • Wash hands with soap and water.
  • Notify your supervisor.
  • If the supervisor deems this to be a threat he/she should notify local law enforcement.

Envelope with powder and powder spills out onto surface:

  • DO NOT clean powder up. Keep others from entering room. Leave the room and close the door.
  • WASH hands with soap and water.
  • NOTIFY your supervisor, and building security. They should notify the police.
  • The police should notify the Mississippi Emergency Management and /or the FBI.
  • MAKE list of all people who had actual contact with the powder, were in the room or area when it was opened and give to local public health authorities.
  • IF CLOTHING is heavily contaminated, don’t brush vigorously. REMOVE it when possible and place in plastic bag that can be sealed.
  • SHOWER with SOAP and WATER as soon as possible at home. DO NOT use bleach or other disinfectant on skin.
  • PUT on fresh clothing.

Package Marked with Threatening Message such as "anthrax"

  • LEAVE it and EVACUATE the room.
  • WASH hands with soap and water if you touched the package.
  • KEEP others from entering.
  • NOTIFY your supervisor. The supervisor should notify police.
  • The police should notify the Mississippi Emergency Management, and/or the FBI and Mississippi State Department of Health.

Aerosolization, Small Explosion, or Letter stating "Anthrax in Heating System"

NOTIFY your supervisor, and building security. The supervisor should notify the police.
  • LEAVE building immediately.
  • SECURE entry.
  • SHUT down air handling system.
  • The police should notify the Mississippi Emergency Management and/or the FBI and Mississippi State Department of Health.
  • REMAIN on premises until responders arrive.
  • MAKE list of all people who were in the building at the time and give to local public health authorities. They may instruct them to watch for fever or other symptoms over the next several days.
  • In situations where anthrax is suspected to be a reasonable possibility, recommendations for preventive medical treatment, if needed, will be given by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.