For State Employees

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  • Telecommunications

    The Department of Administrative Services Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS) Unified Communications Division provides telecommunications, end-user device support and Enterprise collaboration services to the State of Connecticut’s Executive Branch agencies.

  • Telecommuting Arrangement - Appendix B

    Form used by an agency to approve a request for telecommuting by an employee

  • Union Contracts

    Current union contracts (collective bargaining agreements) for 14 of the State employee bargaining units in the executive branch.

  • Video Conferencing

    The Department of Administrative Services Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS) Unified Communications Division provides next-generation video teleconferencing services for Executive Branch agencies that are maintained in the State’s secure Data Centers.

  • Video Hosting Services

    Streaming Media is digital video or audio content that is sent in a continuous stream over a network and played as it arrives. This service is primarily used to host videos and stream them via the state’s website.

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service

    A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network technology that creates a secure network connection over a public network such as the Internet or a private network owned by a service provider.

  • Wide Area Networks

    The Enterprise Network Services (ENS) group provides Wide Area Networks (WAN) connectivit to all Executive Branch Agencies via BITS intranet infrastructure and content filtering and security support for entire State Intranet and access to the Internet.

  • Workers' Compensation Agency Liaison Contacts

    Agency Liaisons for workers’ compensation are listed by agency and/or location

  • Workers' Compensation Less Arduous Duty Process

    C.G.S. Chapter 67, section 5-244 states: “When an employee has become physically or mentally incapable of, or unfit for, the efficient performance of the duties of his position, by reason of infirmities due to advanced age or other disability, the appointing authority shall recommend to the Commissioner of Administrative Services that the employee be transferred to less arduous duties or separated from state service in good standing.”

  • Workers' Compensation Return to Work Program

    Work-related injury/illnesses that prevent an employee from working his/her regular duty are the costliest to both the injured worker and our organization.

  • Workers' Compensation Rights, Responsibilities, and Claims

    The State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Program is centrally administered through the Department of Administrative Services

  • Workers' Compensation Selective Duty Program

    The Department of Administrative Services established a Workers’ Compensation selective duty program in 1989 for state employees who are members of either the NP6 (para-professional) or the P1 (professional) health care bargaining units. It is a provision of the labor contracts originally negotiated between the New England Health Care Employee’s Union, District 1199 and the State, and has been in effect since.