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Education Cost Sharing (ECS) Town Wealth

I.   Overview
Pursuant to Section 10-262f(26) of the Connecticut General Statutes, ECS Town Wealth is determined based on a town's property tax base and the income of its residents. The property tax base is measured per student and per person. It is used because it is the form of wealth taxed by Connecticut's towns. Income is measured on a per capita and a median household basis. Per Capita Income (PCI) and Median Household Income (MHI) are used because the income from which taxes are paid has an important affect on town taxing capacity. These factors are then averaged and combined as shown below. ENGL is the Equalized Net Grand List which represents the value of taxable real and personal property (net grand list) at 100 percent fair market value. ECS uses a three-year average of ENGL. The use of an average helps to stabilize town wealth, especially for those towns experiencing significant increases or decreases in a given year, particularly during a year of revaluation.

ENGL= Equalized Net Grand List (3-year average) (CT Office of Policy and Management)
PCI= Per Capita Income (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
HPCI= Highest Town PCI
MHI= Median Household Income (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
HMHI= Highest Town MHI
POP= Total Population (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
Need= Need Students (CT Department of Education)
     Income Adjuster    =       PCI     +    MHI 
                                           HPCI         HMHI
     Town Wealth         =     ENGL    +     ENGL       x    Income Adjuster
                                          Need            POP  

A detailed explanation of the latest ECS formula as well as the accompanying data elements are available at http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dgm/report1/merecsgd.pdf .
II.    Data Element Source Year(s) Used in ECS Wealth
ECS ENGL Per Capita Income (PCI) Median Household Income (MHI) Population Need Students
ECS Wealth 1997-1998 1992/93/9419891989199410/1996
ECS Wealth 1998-1999 1993/94/9519891989199410/1997
ECS Wealth 1999-2000 1994/95/9619891989199610/1998
ECS Wealth 2000-2001 1995/96/9719891989199610/1999
ECS Wealth 2001-2002 1996/97/9819891989199810/2000
ECS Wealth 2002-2003 1997/98/9919891989199910/2001
ECS Wealth 2003-2004 1998/99/200019891989200010/2002
ECS Wealth 2004-2005 1999/2000/200119991999200010/2003
ECS Wealth 2005-2006 2000/2001/200219991999200210/2004
ECS Wealth 2006-2007 2001/2002/200319991999200310/2005

Any questions concerning this information should be directed to Kevin Chambers at (860) 713-6455 or  kevin.chambers@ct.gov