13:24:20 From Brent Henebry to Hosts and panelists : For closure requirements, can that be handled under the new released based program, so there are not duplicate clean up programs. 13:25:21 From Jeff Sexten to Hosts and panelists : What is the requirement for a 3rd party to do the annual inspections 13:25:40 From Brian Freeman : Pardon if I missed it, but sounds like the Department doesn't have draft language at this point, and is looking for input as to what that language should or should not include? 13:26:43 From Whyndam Abrams : When do you anticipate the regulations to be finalized? If have a UST that is getting close to its life expectancy can we hold off until we can determine if we can extend the life under the new regulations.. 13:27:06 From Sandra Carl : Is the intent to still require 30-year old tanks to be removed unless an extension is applied for? 13:28:27 From John Zbell to Hosts and panelists : Is it anticipated that the proposed regulations would result in tank systems moving from one set of applicable regulations to another (e.g., tanks under (d)1 would now be subject to (d)101-113, or vice versa)? 13:28:55 From Carol Peterson to Hosts and panelists : Will you clarify how you want hydrostatic testing water managed? 13:28:57 From Brent Henebry to Hosts and panelists : As a follow up are you planning to exempt UST releases from the released based program. 13:29:35 From Sandra Carl : And if so, will specific requirements be spelled out in the regs as to what needs to be done to maintain an extension? 13:31:26 From Sally Kropp : Should we include Residential UST considerations and recommendations … 13:32:29 From James Hutton : Will the new (d)-1 and (d)-101 regulations still cross reference each other after the changes? The cross-referencing has always been confusing, especially when trying to determine regs that apply to a heating oil UST at a building that has multiple uses (both residential and commercial). 13:32:47 From Carol Peterson : Will you clarify how you want hydrostatic testing water managed? 13:33:13 From Brent Henebry to Hosts and panelists : What ideas are you considering on tank closure revisions. 13:33:49 From Adam Sansoucy : Would you look at drisump testing to be a valid method? 13:33:59 From James Lantowski : Will alternative methods (Low Level with Positive Shutdown, Dri-Sump) of UDC & Piping Sump Secondary Containment Testing other than High Level Hydrostatic Testing be entertained for inclusion? 13:36:32 From William Logue : Will you create a taskforce or committee of stakeholders including O/O, Installers, Testing Companies, and CTDEEP personnel, similar to other states to assist further in the revision of regulations? 13:36:47 From Larry Byrnes : Do you have a estimate of single wall tanks left in use? (ust) 13:36:52 From Tom Heller : If a tank is over 30 years old, is there any kind of extension application process if tank is utilized for consumption use, but an extension application was not filed prior to the 30 year "deadline"? 13:37:38 From Ronald Dildine : Will we be able to see the draft rule language prior to June 30, 2023 so we can provide comments/questions? 13:41:27 From Massiel Taveras : Is the manual tank sticking and inventory reconciliation method required for even double-walled fiberglass interstitial monitored tanks, or is the automatic tank gauge take care of that requirement? 13:41:31 From Ethan Washburn : Which new tank and piping technologies do you plan to incorporate into the revised regulations? We are seeing more composite tanks installed due to long lead times on FRP tanks. We are also seeing more systems with Perma-pipe pre-engineered double-walled piping systems, with sealed ends and continuous leak detection wire 13:43:24 From Sandra Carl : How is CT DEEP going to handle the testing of a TLS-350 Monitoring System since these systems will be obsolete in near future? 13:43:43 From Sandra Carl : Will CT DEEP still require Inventory Control to be performed? With the install of new DW UST systems and the monitoring of the those systems, is Inventory Control really necessary? 13:43:43 From Whyndam Abrams : Is it possible to clarify the new tightness testing 3 year requirements to calander year, as opposed to 3 years from date of last test. Often the various components (sump, interstitial space, fill bucket, etc)) of the UST are tested on different dates, making it hard to track, 13:44:16 From Sandra Carl : With the revisions that are expected to be made with CT UST Regs, will operators be allowed to change the method of Piping Release Detection if the piping is DW and installed prior to 10/1/2003? 13:44:26 From Daniel Trakas : do double wall tanks need to be tested every three years, or does the interstice only need to be tested? What method is acceptable? 13:44:36 From Sandra Carl : I would like to see clarification in the testing requirements for DW piping installed prior to 10/1/2003 and a site that has the 10 yr Extended life. I've been told that the Interstice of the piping must be tested every 3 yrs and I've heard annually. None of this is written in on the Extended Life letter. What is the correct testing frequency? 13:50:01 From Whyndam Abrams : Speaking of the double-wall, interstially monitored tank requirement, I understand this is mandated by CGS. Will this be incorporated into the regulations? I think it wasn't put in on the last revision. 13:53:22 From Jeff Sexten to Hosts and panelists : Not a question but a comment on the TLS350. Veeder Root is no longer manufacturing the TLS350, they are pushing industry to TlS450plus. The TLS350 will still work, just some parts might be hard to find. 13:57:26 From Whyndam Abrams : Doesn't the interstial test, test both tank walls? 13:59:19 From Ethan Washburn : Will the revised regulations consider applicability of sump integrity testing for piping systems that are sealed on both ends with an integrated continuous leak detection wire? Once example being Perma-pipe 14:00:55 From Scott Rossi to Hosts and panelists : yes it dose 14:03:06 From Plato Doundoulakis : Will you be answering questions posted on Q&A? 14:03:14 From Carol Peterson : back to the tri-annual testing requirement Re: 3-year calendar schedule... Regulated communities likely all try to get schedules aligned, but what happens is that any repairs (and subsequent retesting) then throws it back off schedule. I think the initial question was asking if a 3-calendar year would be considered to incorporate this situation 14:04:43 From Carol Peterson : Thanks 14:07:37 From William Logue : What Certifications for Installation, Testing are you considering? PEI RP 1200? A state proctored test? 14:10:12 From Scott Rossi to Hosts and panelists : it is not a reg to remove it 14:12:54 From Brian Freeman to Hosts and panelists : thanks