"Code","Description" "01","Transfer to a different public school in the same local education agency in the same state or to a private special education facility in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances" "02","Transfer to a public school in a different local education agency in the same state" "03","Transfer to a public school in a different state" "04","Transfer to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency" "05","Transfer to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state" "06","Transfer to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different state" "07","Transfer to a private, religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency" "08","Transfer to a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state" "09","Transfer to a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different state" "10","Transfer to a school outside of the country" "11","Transfer to an institution" "12","Transfer to a charter school" "13","Transfer to home schooling" "15","Graduated with regular, advanced, International Baccalaureate, or other type of diploma" "16","Completed school with other credentials" "17","Death" "20","Reached maximum age for services" "21","Discontinued schooling" "23","Transfer to GED program/EDP" "24","Transfer to a postsecondary education" "25","Moved, not known to be continuing" "26","Transfer to a state approved full-time magnet school" "27","Transfer to an Adult High School Credit Diploma (AHSCD) program"