Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs) Task Force


On February 1, 2017, the Connecticut State Board of Education (Board) established the Connecticut State Board of Education Task Force on the Implementation of IEEs, Observation and Related Matters (task force). The task force was established to review issues raised by a “Request for Amendment of Regulation” (Petition) filed pursuant to Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (Connecticut Regulations) Section 10-76d-9. The Petition sought to have the Board amend Section 10-76d-9 of the Connecticut Regulations to: (a) establish requirements concerning IEEs requested by parents from boards of education in connection with the development of individualized education programs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, and (b) establish guidelines for the observation of students in school by parents and consultants.

The task force is composed of stakeholders representing various constituencies affected by the subject matter of the Petition and other appropriate parties as determined by the Commissioner of Education. The task force is charged with providing a report containing its findings and recommendations to the Board within 180 days.