Instructions for Applying for Medical Gas & Vacuum Systems Certificate

Public Act No. 02-92 -- AN ACT ENSURING THE PROPER INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MEDICAL GAS AND VACUUM SYSTEMS.  Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: Section 1. Section 20-330 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2003):  As used in this chapter:  
"Medical gas and vacuum systems work" means the work and practice, materials, instrumentation and fixtures used in the construction, installation, alteration, extension, removal, repair, maintenance or renovation of gas and vacuum systems and equipment used solely to transport gases for medical purposes and to remove liquids, air-gases or solids from such systems.  
Sec. 2. Section 20-334a of the general statutes is amended by adding subsection (g) as follows (Effective July 1, 2003):  
(NEW) (g) On or after July 1, 2003, a medical gas and vacuum systems certificate for medical gas and vacuum systems work may be issued by the department, upon the authorization of the Plumbing and Piping Work Board or the Heating, Piping and Cooling Work Board, as appropriate, to any person who (1) has been issued a P-1, P-2, S-1, S-2, S-3 or S-4 license under subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of this section, (2) has been certified as a medical gas and vacuum system brazer issued in accordance with the standards of Section IX entitled "Welding and Brazing Qualifications" of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and (3) has been certified as having completed an approved training course on medical gas and vacuum system installation as required by American National Standards Institute-American Society of Sanitary Engineering Series 6000. No person shall perform medical gas and vacuum systems work unless such person has obtained a certificate pursuant to this subsection. Such certificate shall be renewed consistent with the renewal process for the prerequisite licenses. The fee for such certificate shall be fifty* dollars.  
Applications must have the following attached:
1. The fee for such certificate shall be fifty* dollars, made payable to the “Treasurer, State of Connecticut” 
2. Original certificate of course on medical gas and vacuum system installation as required by American National Standards Institute-American Society of Sanitary Engineering Series 6000. 
3. Original certificate that you are certified as a medical gas and vacuum system brazer issued in accordance with the standards of Section IX entitled "Welding and Brazing Qualifications" of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 
4. Photo copy of your current license as a P-1, P-2, S-1, S-2, S-3 or S-4 with the Department of Consumer Protection under Chapter 393 of the Connecticut General Statutes, section 20-330. 
An MG-1 type certification will be issued to a licensed contractor, and a MG-2 type certification will be issued to a licensed journeyperson under requirement #4.  
*Fee adjusted October 1, 2009, in compliance with HB-6802, “AN ACT CONCERNING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUE FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING JUNE 30, 2011.” Contained in this budget bill are mandatory increases in fees many individuals and businesses customarily pay to obtain and renew licenses with state agencies. The effective date for all these fee increases is October 1, 2009.
Submit application and fee to:
Department of Consumer Protection 
Occupational and Professional Licensing                                                      
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901
Hartford, CT 06103