About the Food and Standards Division

The Division’s mission is to safeguard the public health and promote the public welfare by protecting persons from product injury and fraud arising from intrastate commerce in food, and to promote accuracy in weighing and measuring devices. The Division operates two main programs.
The Foods Program is responsible for:
  • Inspecting retail and wholesale food manufacturers that operate, transport or store food in Connecticut.
  • Overseeing licensees under the Bakery, Non-alcoholic Beverage/Cider, wholesale and retail frozen desserts and food vending machine statutes and regulations.
  • Conducting and maintaining food manufacturing inspections under the United States Food & Drug contracts.
The Standards Program is responsible for:
  • Ensuring the accuracy of weights and measures used in Connecticut trade. 
  • Overseeing licensees under the heating oil dealer, Retail Gasoline Dealer, and Motor Fuel Quality, Weighing and Measuring Device Dealers and Repairers laws, and
  • Testing motor fuel octane.