Prescription Drug Drop Box Program


The medication collection and disposal program provides a safe disposal location for residents to properly dispose of unused household medications.  Drug drop boxes or collection receptacles are only permitted to reside within police departments or within retail pharmacies that have been approved by the Department of Consumer Protection, Drug Control Division.

A. This program provides an environmentally safe alternative to disposing of medications in the landfill or sewer systems that may later negatively affect the environment.

B. This program encourages residents to remove their unneeded medications from their homes. This reduces access to addictive medications for accidental or intentional misuse by children or others in the home.

C. Commercial disposal from medical facilities, doctor/dental offices, veterinarians, etc. is prohibited and is not part of this program.

D. The material to be disposed must be destroyed in accordance with police department policies and must include incineration as the method of destruction. The incineration must be performed in an authorized facility designated to perform the destruction of controlled substances.


None. The Department can only approve 50 drug drop boxes in retail pharmacies each year. Retail pharmacies that are looking to apply should email the Drug Control Division at prior to submitting an application. Sample inspections form for police department and pharmacy drug drop boxes can be found here. Individuals interested should review the inspection forms prior to the Drug Control Agent inspects the facility.

Required Documentation:

  • Complete the application below. The new application is for law enforcement and retail pharmacies.

Applications, Forms & Other:

apply online button


Application Fee:
  • There is no fee for this registration but it will be renewed annually at which point contact information should be updated and the total number of pounds of product burned will be requested.

Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection

License Services Division
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 801
Hartford, CT 06103
Email Address: